Fascinated with Passive Income Ideas

Ever since I was old enough to understand the concept of passive income ideas, and generating income while you sleep, I first became fascinated, and later obsessed by mastering this rare skill.

Unfortunately, here in the Western world we are taught that being a good citizen is all about trading time for money. Serving a good employer and finding a job you enjoy.

We are told this by our teachers initially, and if we do it well, we will be rewarded.

Right from an early age I always wondered how they would know any different because they also have a job and are not even slightly entrepreneurial.

I left school at the age of 14 ½ the trigger to which was a very one-sided conversation with a dominant teacher with whom I tried to discuss the generation of income while you sleep.

Not being familiar with such concepts I was told it was probably time for me to go out in the world and make my own living.

This I did and I held onto the idea that it was possible to make money while you sleep for many years, and then in my mid 20s I started to do just that.

Slowly at first, but as my understanding grew so did my skills and I experimented and advanced.

If the idea of generating passive income is as attractive to you as it has always been to me you may find the below article of interest.

You can learn more about how I generate my very real laptop lifestyle by visiting: https://www.thereallaptoplifestyle.com/

23 Ways I Make Passive Income + 47 More Ideas that Actually Work

 I set out to write the best damn passive income ideas post on the Internet.

Because here’s the thing. Most “passive income” list posts just repeat the same boilerplate ideas–open a high interest savings account, for example.

 And yes, that will earn you a small amount of passive income (and I’ll certainly mention it as an option below), but my guess is you’re looking for something a little more substantial.

In this post, I’ll:          Break down the 4 types of passive income.          Share my own actual passive income streams.          Present dozens of other ideas you can take action on starting today — and back those up with real-life examples.
Let’s dive in.
Image and article attribution…

From https://thereallaptoplifestyle.blogspot.com/2019/09/fascinated-with-passive-income-ideas.html

Author: The Real Laptop Lifestyle

I still find it difficult to believe that I can generate such an exceptional income from my laptop computer, and have been doing so for 18 years now. I work a few hours every day, not because I have to, but because I enjoy it so much. I work the hours which suit me and my family, and work from wherever I want, home, café, or even when I am away on holiday. The laptop lifestyle offers you many possibilities.

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